DBS Language Resources

(Language Points from Digital Bible Society)

Zoomed Out
Zero Resources No Available Resources
1-4 Resources 1 - 4 Available Resources
5 or More Resources 5 or More Available Resources

GRN Recorded Languages
All Languages Zoomed Out
Color of Symbol
All recorded - blue circle All varieties recorded
Some recorded - orange circleSome varieties recorded
None recorded - red circleNo varieties recorded (Unrecorded)
Size of Symbol
1 0 - 4 Varieties
2 - 3 5 - 11 Varieties
4 - 7 12 - 23 Varieties
8 - 14 24 - 44 Varieties
15 - 28 45 or More Varieties
label exampleBlack: Language Name
Blue: Number of Recorded Varieties

Multiple Point Languages
Multiple Point Languages Multiple Point Languages

Unverified Languages
Unverified Varieties Zoomed Out
1 - 2 1 - 2 Varieties
3 - 7 3 - 7 Varieties
8 - 13 8 - 13 Varieties
14 - 23 14 - 23 Varieties
24 - 44 24 or More Varieties

Neediest Languages
Totally Unreached Totally Unreached Zoomed Out
Minimally Engaged Minimally Engaged Zoomed Out
Totally Unreached Totally Unreached
 Minimally Engaged Minimally Engaged

Extinct Languages
Extinct Langauges Extinct Langauges

Refugee Camps
UNHCR office-GRN Edit UNHCR office-GRN Edit
Refugee camp-GRN edit Refugee camp-GRN edit
UNHCR Office UNHCR Office
Refugee camp Refugee camp

Populated Places
National Capitals National Capitals
Provincial Capitals Provincial Capitals
Large CIties - Agglom >1M; City >500K Large CIties - Agglom >1M; City >500K
Medium Cities - Agglom >250K; City >100K Medium Cities - Agglom >250K; City >100K
Small Cities - Agglom >100K; City >50K Small Cities - Agglom >100K; City >50K
Large Towns - Place > 10K Large Towns - Place > 10K
Towns - Place > 1K Towns - Place > 1K
Small towns - No Pop or < 1K Small towns - No Pop or < 1K
Low/No Pop and Low Accuracy Low/No Pop and Low Accuracy